Paramount Theatrical Supplies of New York City first published the "Paramount Catalog" (no relation to Paramount Pictures) in 1949, and by the time of the 1964 book (above) they provided a one-stop mail order source for 7,000 high schools, colleges, and little theatres.  The Paramount Catalog, with current price sheet at the back, was also a reference book, tightly crammed with necessary information, including a check list of  equipment needed to put on a show.

They sold all manner of scenic goods, including the all-important glue pot, and they taught basic scene painting.

They offered a complete line of Clancy hardware; pre-fabricated flats, stairs, and "parallels" built in their own shop; and when required, the complete setting. 

Paramount taught practical lighting design (the McCandless method); sold lighting instruments at bargain prices (including tasteful recessed lights ports); and offered packaged controls of every make.

Paramount carried Stein's and Max Factor make-up, hundreds of wigs, and a costume line limited to Santa Claus, with Yak hair an extra cost option.
The last complete catalog ran in 1988.
To view or to download the complete 1964 catalog, click here.   The downloaded catalog will be in standard PDF format.

For a master index of all photo-essays, click here.

September, 2019