"Red White and Maddox" opened at Theatre Atlanta on October 3, 1968 and moved to Broadway January 26, 1969.  Theatre Atlanta was a professional (Actors' Equity) repertory troupe under the direction of Jay Broad, and the musical was a cruel and politically charged parody of Lester Maddox, the then Governor of Georgia.  Almost immediately, the production coincided with the eviction of Theatre Atlanta from the two-year-old facility that had been built especially for them.   An HD video clip of the Act II opener can be seen by clicking here.  Not credited in the program book is Frania Lee, who financed the construction of Theatre Atlanta as a million dollar memorial to her daughter Helen Lee Cartledge who along with her husband perished in the 1962 Orly explosion.  Thanks to original cast member Susan Larkin for allowing her program to be scanned and to Susan and Fred Chappell for photo identification. 

The show played on Broadway for fifty-six performances and closed on March 1, 1969.

Theatre Atlanta, opened November 1966, designed by theatre consultant Vince Piacentini.

Helen Lee Cartledge

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September, 2021.